29 nov 2009

Everybody needs time to relax /Todos necesitamos tiempo para relajarnos

I see my miniatures as a reflection of myself. I always try to do the kind of pieces I would love to have in my dreamy fairy tale house. Not exactly in my actual house. Just in my imagination. You all know what I mean.

This piece would have a special place on it. I can see myself lying there on a boring sunday afternoon, reading a good book on a winter evening, having a nap on a summer morning...

My mum knit a shawl for it

If anyone wants the intructions, just email me!


En cierto modo, concibo las miniaturas que hago como un reflejo de mi misma, de mi forma de ser. Siempre intento construir y realizar el tipo de muebles que me gustaría tener en mi casita de los sueños. No en una casa de verdad, no como yo decoraría la casa en la que vivo, si no mi casita de los sueños, como mi propia cuento de hadas. Todos me comprendéis, ¿verdad?

Esta chaise long (se escribe así?) ocuparía un lugar de honor esa casita de los sueños. Me imagino allí tumbado un domingo aburrido por la tarde, simplemente pensando o soñando con los ojos abiertos, o una tarde fría de invierno leyendo un buen libro, o echando una siestecita un mediodía de verano.

Mi madre ha tejido un chal especial, que va a juego con la tela. 

Si a alguien le gustaría tener las instrucciones para construir el mueble, puede escribirme un email. 

22 nov 2009

Today, I'm loving...

Today I'm loving this

And this

And this

And, of course, this

And this

Happy lazy sunday to everyone

21 nov 2009

Cant decided/no me decido

Hi everyone,

Finally, I got to my parents'es place where I've got all my minis and materials. Now that the real size process of moving is done, I can do my 1:12 size moving in this weekend so I can start working on the Christmas Swap (so exciting!!!).

Anyway, I've been looking for wall paper for the buttercup cotagge I couldn't find already made miniature paper that I liked. I had big hopes in the Tom Bishop Miniature show, that got held last weekend in Madrid, but didnt find the right one. So, I've surfing the net and find some real size ones that I love and with a little help from that wonderful thing called photoshop, I trasnformed them into the right size (hopefully, It'll be for sure once i get to the copyplace and got them printed, cross your fingers). I love this for the upstairs bedroom:

Half the wall will be covered with this, and half with woodtiles. Do you like it?

My problem is that I cant decided between the nest two papers. One of them will be for the downstairs bedroom, with the sitting room and a small kitche. I love the flowered one, but I guess is not to 'Christmary' and 'cottagery', and this other one would fit better, but I just cant renounce to it.

I guess this one is better, what do you think?

Pues por fin ya este finde estoy en casa de mis padres y podré recoger todas mis cajitas llenas de miniaturas sin terminar y materiales maravillosos (ay, mi fimo y mis telitas!!!). Así que ahora que ya hemos terminado con la mudanza de escala real podré ponerme con la mudanza escala 1:12 y empezar a trabajar en el intercabio navideño (tengo un monton de ideas!)

El caso es que llevo una buena temporada buscando el papel adecuado para las paredes de la buttercup cottage y no he conseguido encontrar ni uno que me gustase en las tiendas online de miniaturas. Tenía muchas esperanzas puestas en la feria Tom Bishop de Madrid y aunque vi algunos papeles maravillosos, no acababan de encajarme para este proyecto así que al final, me he decido por los de escala real.

Navegando por internet, he hecho una pequeña selección de los que más me gustaban y gracias a esa cosita llamada photoshop (Dios bendiga a Adobe) he podido reajustar su tamaño (creo, porque hasta que nos los imprima en la tienda no voy a estar segura de haberlo hecho bien).
El primer papel es para el dormitorio del primer piso, eso es seguro. Mi problema es que no acabo de decidirme entre el segundo papel y el tercero. El segundo me encanta, pero no es muy navideño que digamos y sé que no encaja muy bien, pero es taaaaaaannnnn bonito que me cuesta renunciar a él. Supongo que al final tendré que guardarmelo para otro proyecto...
En fin, vosotras qué opináis?

11 nov 2009

Few, I'm comming back / ya estoy de vuelta

Well, well, well, it looks like finally I've got some time to do a little posting. Tha past three weeks have been kind of crazy and stressing since we've moved into another house, of another city so I could start working on a new job. So, big change!!You know how stressing looking for a new house can be, most of all because it was our first house together. So, it seems like everything is a bit settle now so last night i started to work on the new buttercup kit, which arrived like a couple of weeks ago (along with some other goodies, hihi).

Somebody suggested here in my blog that since I want to converted it in a Christmas Cottage I should do a Ginger House. I thought it was a great idea and soon started search for some inspiration. I found this gorgeous, wonderful, beautiful Ginger House, made by the great Teresa Lymann. So, I emailed her, asking everything, from materials to 'how to do' things. She was so kind, you cant imagine. She answered everything!!! I'm not ashamed to say that I'm copying her, since I asked for her permission and since I'm started this whole miniature hobby. Sometimes, copying is great to learn the technics when you're a just a begginer and I know that eventually I would find my way and my own style, right?

So, after I messeasure every piece, do a quickly assemble of the kit and made a 'decoration' planning, I started with the fireplace.

I made the structure with foamboard following Nikki's tutorials and then added paperclay creating a 'stone' surface, following this other tutorial.

So far, it looks like this,

And I can call my self a happy woman. Now, I should start with the painting job. But, that's a completly different story.